The Pitch...
The feedback from our pitch was very positive. The only concern they had was the safety of the actors. Due, to the locations, and props we will be using. Such as a kitchen, forest, roads and a knife. They where concerned about the kitchen because of the cooker and the probable open fire. However, we where able to make some adjustments to the scenes by restructuring the use of the kitchen and the kind of prep the actors do inside of it. Then we removed the use of roads because there is a possibility of the actor endangering their life when crossing the road. In addition, to this we decided to use a conserved woodland area within our school to minimise risk of intruders and unwanted visitors who may cause a disruption to the movie opening. We also restricted the use of the knife to only putting it in the basket.
Questionnaire Feedback...
The feedback from the questionnaires where very positive and highly anticipated. Due to the nature of the movie which may offend some audience members.
we decided to give our questionnaires to people within our target audience, our focus group said that they would all be interested in watching a movie of this nature and it wouldn't offend anyone. in addition to this they referred to the plot as "interesting" and "heart wrenching". They believed the age rating was spot on due to the use of offensive language and nature of the movie.
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